Edit your videos

a guide to show you how to edit the videos you added to your web stories' pages

Kamil Kaderbay avatar
Written by Kamil Kaderbay
Updated over a week ago

To customize your videos select the video you want to customize

  1. Go to the right side panel for the video customization options

  2. You can make any customizations as you need.

You can then customize what you want :

  • Position and size

  • Rotation

  • Proportions (which permits you to choose whether the video is contained in the story or covers it)

  • Border (its color, width and rounding)

  • Opacity

Once you select your video, there's also a control panel which will appear at the bottom in the middle of the screen. This control panel lets you edit the video. You can :

  • Choose which part of the video you want to use in your story by selecting the starting and the ending moment ;

  • Decide if the video will loop (meaning restart from the beginning once it's finished) ;

  • Decide if the video will autoplay (meaning start without the need for the user to click on a play button).

This image shows how to edit the videos and customize them.

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