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Why image preview/thumbnail not updated when I share a link on a social network
Why image preview/thumbnail not updated when I share a link on a social network
Snackeet Team avatar
Written by Snackeet Team
Updated over a week ago

When you update the image on your website or change the image you want to use in a social media post, you may need to clear the cache for the image preview on each social network to ensure the new image appears. Here are the general steps to clear the cache on some popular social networks:

A VOIR par Kamil

First, make sure to update the images for shareable links


  1. Go to the Facebook Debugger tool (

  2. Enter the URL of the page you want to share in the "Sharing Debugger" field and click "Debug".

  3. Facebook will fetch the page and display the current preview. If the preview already shows the correct image, you can skip to step 5. Otherwise, click the "Scrape Again" button.

  4. Facebook will fetch the page again and update the preview with any new information it finds. Keep clicking "Scrape Again" until the preview shows the correct image.

  5. Once the preview is correct, share the link on Facebook as usual. The link preview should now display the custom image you selected.


Use the Twitter Card Validator tool ( to refresh the cached preview. Enter the URL of the page or post and click "Preview Card". If the preview image still doesn't update, click "Fetch New Scraped Information" to force Twitter to refresh the image.


Use the LinkedIn Post Inspector tool ( to refresh the cached preview. Enter the URL of the page or post and click "Fetch new scrape information" to force LinkedIn to refresh the preview image.


Use the Rich Pin Validator tool ( to refresh the cached preview. Enter the URL of the page or post and click "Validate". If the preview image still doesn't update, try refreshing the page a few times to see if the image eventually updates.


There is no way to clear the cache for link previews on Instagram, as it doesn't allow custom link previews. However, if you change the link in your bio or the landing page associated with your bio link, the new preview should appear within a few hours.

In general, clearing the cache on social networks may take some time to propagate, so you may need to be patient and wait a few hours or even a day to see the new image appear in the link preview.

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