How to setup Webhook
Kamil Kaderbay avatar
Written by Kamil Kaderbay
Updated over a week ago

You can set up webhooks to receive notifications when messages are sent or received via your Snackeet Stories.

When will my webhook trigger?

Once enabled, a webhook delivery will trigger once a story is

  • Completed ( the user landed on the end page )

  • Abandoned ( the user has started a story but quit it before the end page )

Here is what you will get :

event_type: 'snackeet_interaction'

How to set up webhooks


Select the Story you want to integrate with a webhook and click Connect.


In your Connect panel, select Webhooks.


Click Add.


Choose your webhook type.


Type the address of your Target URL into the text field.

6 ( Optional )

You can add a secret to your webhook to make things more secure.

Add a Header name and Value so you can verify that requests are coming from Snackeet (and nobody else!), and when you're happy with your settings,

hit Save.

Add more webhooks

If you want to add more webhooks, just click ADD and repeat the steps above.

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